Accueil > Activités > 2016-2017 > La disponibilité durable des ressources minérales

La disponibilité durable des ressources minérales

mercredi 16 novembre 2016, par Eric Pirard

Eric Pirard

He is professor of Georesources at University of Liège and head of the GeMMe (Minerals Engineering, Materials and Environment) Department. He graduated as Geological Engineer and dedicated his Ph.D. to the development of mathematical morphology algorithms for particle shape analysis.
Since more than twenty years he specialises in applying digital imaging to important issues in applied geology and geometallurgy : quantitative microscopy, microtexture analysis, on line quality control of agregates and cores, close and remote sensing of geological outcrops, etc.
Eric Pirard is President of the International Society for Stereology and Image Analysis (ISS) and of the International Commission for Applied Mineralogy (IMA-CAM). He also served as councilor of the International Association for Mathematical Geosciences (IAMG). He is regularly invited to give short courses and workshops in quantitative geology (Madrid, Lima, Nancy, Brisbane, Capetown, Lulea, Oruro, Paris). He is a founding member of Occhio Instruments.
He is the coordinator of the new Erasmus Mundus EMerald – European Master program in Georesources Engineering.

La disponibilité durable des ressources minérales

Eric Pirard